I’m Not Done

"I'm not done creating. I'm not done exploring. Terminator isn't the finish line." - Vanisha

Vanisha Breault founded Terminator Foundation with the hopes of helping those struggling with addictions, trauma and mental health issues. And that's exactly what she's done. Because she has built such a successful company doing such important work, she thought that was what she'd be doing forever.

After an eye-opening meeting with a mentor, a seed was planted and that all changed.

Vanisha and I have a real and raw heart-centred discussion about what life after Terminator Foundation looks like. The idea of succession planning never even entered the picture. Vanisha describes growing Terminator like raising a child — and eventually they grow up. We talk about new goals, getting out of her comfort zone and how a milestone of turning 50 has been a bit of a catalyst and a "beautiful collision of seasons".

Tune in for inspiration on what's possible just when you think you've reached the top.


Girl on a Farm


Aligning Purpose in Business