Building Business with Family in Mind

Stephen & Melissa Ramkissoon are a dynamic couple raising 3 incredible girls and also the founders of Marketing Guardians, a successful marketing agency in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 

We take a deep dive into this couple's leadership as a whole and how the values they landed on as a family has been an integral part of how they run their business day to day. Their approach to servant leadership is foundational to everything they do and has helped them navigate their incredibly different cultures and upbringing as they raise their own family. As 2 first borns with natural leadership qualities (actually Melissa is an only child), they have had their challenges with conflict and how they co-lead a business with very different styles. This couple is incredibly transparent and candid as they share how they've come up with creative solutions and healthy boundaries in life and business.

As they put it, leadership between them is like a relay race, handing off and picking up the baton when needed. And at the end of the day, it all boils down to one word that matters..... tune in to find out.


When the Unexpected Happens


Girl on a Farm